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Sekitar Pertandingan Palong 2011

       Palong merupakan sejenis perahu yang saiznya agak kecil dan hanya mampu memuatkan seorang sahaja (kanak-kanak). Palong juga merupakan perahu kecil bagi anak-anak nelayan di Kuala Perlis terutamanya di kampung Seberang Ramai. Pertandingan Palong sudah menjadi acara tahunan di kampung ini yang kebiasaannya akan diadakan pada hujung tahun (cuti sekolah). 
    Menerusi pertandingan ini, anak-anak di kampung ini dapat mengisi masa terluang mereka dengan melakukan aktiviti yang berfaedah dan secara tidak langsing akan dapat mengeratkan hubungan silaturrahim antara penduduk kampung. Semgangat kesukanan dapat ditingkatkan selain menyihatkan badan. 
       Aktiviti sukan Palong dapat diketengahkan lagi ke peringkat negeri dan dijadikan acara tahunan seluruh Malaysia amnya dan acara tahunan negeri Perlis khasnya. Setiap tahun negeri Perlis akan mengadakan sukan air dimana acara-acara seperti lumba perahu panjang, kayak, bot berhias akan diadakan. Apa salahnya jika ditambah satu lagi aktiviti untuk kanak-kanak khasnya iaitu pertandingan lumba Palong. 
          Terdapat tiga kategori iaitu A1 bawah 12 tahun, A2 bawah 17 tahun, kayak vateren 40 tahun ke atas lelaki dan wanita. Dibawah adalah antara gambar-gambar yang sempat admin snap pada pertandingan Palong yang diadakan pada hari ini. Aktiviti ini bermula jam 9.00 pagi dan berhenti rehat sebentar jam 12.00 tengah hari dan akan bersambung pada jam 2.30 petang. Jom pakat kita meriahkan sukan Palong!

 Persaingan yang sengit bagi kategori A1.

 Laju dik laju!

 Nasib tidak menyebelahi salah seorang peserta kerana palong yang 
dinaiki karam sebelum sempat tiba ke garisan penamat.

 Urusetia sedang mengalihkan palong yang karam untuk digunakan semula.

 Jangan mengalah dik!

 Persediaan bagi kategori kayak vateren 40 tahun ke atas

Peserta A1 sedang bersedia di garisan pemulaan.

LIMA 2011!!

Update from LIMA Exhibition 2011
Last day 10/12/2011 
Mahsuri International Exhibition Center, MIEC 

LIMA Main Entrance 

Eurofighter Typhoon 

Sukhoi  Su-30 MKM

F-18 Super Hornet

F-18 Super Hornet and Su-30 MKM

Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport  

Jom pi LIMA 2011!

LIMA 2011 

LIMA 2011 akan berlangsung bermula dari 6 Disember 2011 sehingga 10 Disember 2011. LIMA atau pon Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition yang hanya diadakan dua tahun sekali ini merupakan kemuncak bagi segala pameran yang berasaskan teknologi ketenteraan tidak mengira didarat, laut mahupon di langit. Tahun ini, insyaallah admin dapat mengunjungi pameran LIMA buat kali pertama. Maklumlah, admin menetap jauh di negeri orang walaupon admin ni orang utara. Tahun ni admin berpeluang ke LIMA oleh kerana admin sedang berprektikel di IKBN Kuala Perlis untuk selama empat bulan. Tak sabar rasanya nak melihat sendiri pameran LIMA ni. Selama ini, admin hanya menonton di kaca2 tv sahaja. Jadi, kalau ada sesiapa yang nak pergi, bolehlah pergi pada dua hari terakhir iaitu pada 9 dan 10 Disember kerana 6 sehingga 8 Disember adalah untuk syarikat2, vvip, dan orang2 kenamaan sahaja. Bayaran masuk hanya rm10 sahaja seorang. Jom pakat pi ramai-ramai! 

Untuk lebih info, jadual pameran, jadual aktiviti, layout pameran, info-info terkini, bolehlah anda layari laman web rasmi LIMA di atau pun klik sini

Jumpe anda disana!  


Second day at IKBN Kuala Perlis...Bez jugak jadi pengajar dan pelajar... x kat macam tati... disini cara pembelajaran mereka lebih bez, tidaklah stress sangat... happy jer semase dlm kelas... kalau kat tati, serious je memanjang... aku akan berada disini selama empat bulan untuk menjalani latihan industri bermula dari 28-11-2011 sehingga 27-03-2012. Mmg bez giler duk disini... ade banyak bende yang bakal aku pelajari... i'm waiting for it!


Terengganu merupakan negeri pertama yang mengadakan kelas maya (virtual class) yang berasaskan pembelajaran berkomputer. E-book diberikan secara percuma kepada pelajar sekolah rendah di negeri Terengganu bermula dari darjah 4 hingga 6. Para pelajar sekolah tidak perlu lagi membawa buku-buku ke sekolah, cukup sekadar membawa e-book ini kerana e-book ini siap dilengkapkan dengan buku-buke teks darjah 4, 5, dan 6 yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka. Bermacam-macam lagi applikasi menarik yang sudah di install di dalam e-book ini termasuk al-quran digital, fardhu ain dan lain-lain aplikasi. 

E-book merupakan komputer riba buatan Terengganu sendiri melalui syarikatnya Top IT Industries yang berpengkalan di Gong Badak Kuala Terengganu. E-book menggunakan platform intel atom. Spesifikasi bagi e-book ini adalah seperti berikut :

CPU  : Intel Atom N455 1.66GHz Turbo Boost 1.7GHz 512 L2 Cache
RAM : 1Gb DDR3
HDD  : 250Gb
GPU :  Intel Onboard
Display : 10.1 Inch LCD
WebCam : 1.3 Megapixel Camera
OS : Windows® 7 MSIS (Student) 
Weight : 1.2Kg (maximum)
Price : Free (Terengganu Student Only) Rm1185

TC atau pun Terengganu Computer 

Kotak e-book

Luaran e-book

e-book E-11 

Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut atau anda berminat untuk memilikinya, sila klik sini.

Geng O.C!

It looks like AMD will have the symbolic achievement of launching its first GPUs built on the new 28 nanometer process in 2011 itself. Sources told that AMD is working towards launching some of its planned 28 nm GPUs in the second week of December, 2011. One of these sources specifically named December 06. Details on whether the launched GPU will be for the mobile (notebook) or desktop (graphics card) platforms; or even whether it will use the VLIW4 or so-called 'NextGen' compute architecture, are not known at this point.
Another source reinforced the theory that the launch will be more about symbolism than volume manufacturing for sales. It's likely that a small number of these GPUs will be manufactured, just about enough to send to OEMs for their qualification, and perhaps even the media for published performance testing. We expect these GPUs to be lower-end or mid-range GPUs, and since AMD is reserving the NextGen compute architecture for only the high-end GPU part, these ones will most likely use VLIW4.

Interesting! the smallest gpu yet! 28nm! nvidia still using the 32nm gpu. Lets wait for nVidia's 28nm after this!

Dah setahun berlalu...

Pejam-celik, pejam celik, dah setahun berlalu. Rasa macam baru beberapa bulan aku kehilangan kawan karib yang aku kenali sejak kecil. Memang pantas masa bergerak, sehingga tak terasa seperti ianya telah berlaku setahun yang lalu. Tanggal 12-10-2010, aku telah kehilangan seorang kawan yang begitu rapat buat selama-lamanya. Arwah Muhammad Safwan bin Mat Alim, salah seorang anggota polis balai polis Puchong Jaya, telah terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya berhampiran tempat arwah bekerja sewaktu dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah. Arwah disahkan meninggal dunia sewaktu dalam perjalanan ke hospital. Pemergiannya amat mengejutkan. Mana tak nya, kami berkawan sejak dari tadika sehingga ke sekolah menengah dan dipisahkan apabila arwah menyertai pasukan kegemarannya sejak sekolah lagi iaitu pasukan Polis Diraja Malaysia. Walaupun arwah jauh dikota raya Kuala Lumpur, namun persahabatan kami tidak terputus disitu. Kami sering berhubung melalui talifon, sms dan facebook untuk bertanya kabar berita. Biarpun arwah tiada di depan mata, tetapi arwah tetap hidup dihati kami. Semoga roh arwah Safwan dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang beriman. 

Muhammad Safwan Bin Mat Alim
05.05.1990 - 12.10.2010

Pesta Konvokesyen TATiUC 2011

Pesta akan bermula pada hari Rabu 21/09/11 sehingga Jumaat 23/09/11
bermula jam 8.00 pagi sehingga 11.00 malam
Macam-macam pameran, jualan, pertandingan yang ada!!
Jom pakat ramai-ramai gi!!!

Tayangan filem pada hari Rabu dan Khamis jam 8.45 malam
bertempat di FTKEA (Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Automasi)

Perutusan Hari Raya Aidilfitri...

Terlebih dahulu, saya selaku admin blog ini ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya Aidilfitri buat keluarga saya di Kijal Terengganu, nenek saya, mak-mak, pak-pak sedara dan semua sepupu saya yang berada di kampung di Kuala Perlis. Maaf zahir dan batin. Sorry la kitorang tak dapat pulang ke kampung. Semoga semua berada dalam keadaan yang sihat selalu. 
Buat teman-teman saya di Kijal dan semua yang mengenali saya, selamat hari raya! Kalau ade tersilap or tersalah tu, harap dimaafkan. Semoga raya anda taun ini disinari keceriaan! 


Berhati-hati semasa memandu!

        Asalam... Tinggal beberapa hari jer lagi kite, umat Islam nak sambut hari raya... Ramai yang sudah memulakan perjalanan pulang ke kampung bermula pada hari Khamis lagi... Seronok, seronok la jugak nak balik kampung... Tapi kena ingat, berhati-hati semasa memandu... Tidak kira moto, kereta mahupon bas... Kalau dah rasa mengantuk tu, berhenti rehat la sekejap... Tapi yang penting, sebelom memulakan perjalanan, pastikan kenderaan anda dalam keadaan yang baik... Pastikan tekanan angin tayar kenderaan anda mencukupi dan bunga tayar kenderaan anda masih dalam keadaan yang baik iaitu >5mm... Jika kurang, pergilah tukar tayar tersebut... Jangan kedekut untuk menukar tayar baru, nanti nyawa anda yang menjadi taruhan... Patuhi undang-undang jalan raya terutama had laju...

         Saya disini ingin berkongsi pengalaman saya semasa memandu (motosikal) baru-baru ini. Semalam, semasa dalam perjalanan pulang dari bandar Chukai, di simpang empat bukit kuang menghala ke perwaja, ada sebuah mpv toyota, memberi signal sebelah kiri dan membrek secara mengejut yang mengakibatkan saya hampir untuk melanggarnya... Dah la bagi signal lambat, brek mengejut plak tuh... Rasa macam nak langgar jer kerete tuh... Ingat2 la wei, signal kene bagi 3 saat dari tempat yang nak dituju tuh... Jangan main brek jer... Satu kes lagi terjadi tgh hari tadi... Semasa saya dalam perjalanan pulang dari bandar chukai menghala ke Giant Kijal, di hadapan kawasan penjualan lemang, ada sebuah mpv jugak model proton exora warna silver no. plat saya x ingat tapi kenderaan plat wilayah kuala lumpur masuk tgh jalan sesuka hati tanpa memberi signal terlebih dahulu... Dia tak tengok ker aku dah dekat dengan dier... Nasib baik la brek motor kawan aku ni OK... kalau x, beraya di hospital la jawabnya... Mau tak nyer, tgh2 laju tetibe ade kerete lain plak tetibe masuk...

       So, kepada semua pemandu2 diluar sana, ingat! jgn anggap penunggang motosikal tu kecik... diorang pon manusia jugak... Jangan anggap ko besar ko bleh rule jalan tuh... ape perasaan korang bile pekare sebegini terjadi pada korang... mesti korang marah punyer... So, ingat! Hormati kenderaan yang berada diatas jln raya tuh tak kire besar atau kecik... Utamakan pejalan kaki, penunggang basikal dan motosikal!    

Dah tak lame dah...

Fuh! Dah lame x update blog aku nih...
Maklum la, sibok sikit kebelakangan nih...
mane dgn masalah internet connection yg dekat sebulan baru leh setel...
ape pon, selamat berpuasa dan jangan cilok2 tau...

pose tuh biar betol2...
pose bkn setakat menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga shj, tetapi menyeluruh...

pose dari nafsu, pose dari mengata n pose dari segale-galenyer lah...

Pejam celik, pejam celik dah nak dekat sebulan kite berpuasa ek...
dah nak masuk bulan Syawal plak dah nih...
hanya tinggal beberapa hari jer lagi...
hmmmm, baju raye x beli lagi nih...
So, disini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya AidilFitri...
Maaf zahir dan batin... kepada semua yg mengenali saya...
Selamat Hari Raya!!!

Just want to share...

new virus on Facebook...

this virus spread using Facebook Instant Messenger chat where they'll send you 
"hi! how are you"
then, if you reply their chatter, they will reply back
"Wanna laugh?"
if you keep replying they will send ya'll 
"It is you on the video? want to see?"
then they will send you the virus link...
please do not reply or click the link...
its a virus!!!
please be alert!!!
many has fall to this trick!!!

Auld Lang Syne...

"Auld Lang Syne" is a Scots poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 and set to the tune of a traditional folk song (Roud # 6294). It is well known in many countries, especially (but far from exclusively) in the English-speaking world; its traditional use being to celebrate the start of the New Year at the stroke of midnight. By extension, it is also sung at funerals, graduations, and as a farewell or ending to other occasions. The international Boy Scout youth movement, in many countries, uses it as a close to jamborees and other functions.
The song's Scots title may be translated into English literally as "old long since", or more idiomatically, "long long ago", "days gone by" or "old times". Consequently "For auld lang syne", as it appears in the first line of the chorus, is loosely translated as "for (the sake of) old times".
The phrase "Auld Lang Syne" is also used in similar poems by Robert Ayton (1570–1638), Allan Ramsay (1686–1757), and James Watson (1711) as well as older folk songs predating Burns. Matthew Fitt uses the phrase "In the days of auld lang syne" as the equivalent of "Once upon a time..." in his retelling of fairy tales in the Scots language.

Robert Burns sent a copy of the original song to the Scots Musical Museum with the remark, “The following song, an old song, of the olden times, and which has never been in print, nor even in manuscript until I took it down from an old man". Some of the lyrics were indeed "collected" rather than composed by the poet; the ballad "Old Long Syne" printed in 1711 by James Watson shows considerable similarity in the first verse and the chorus to Burns' later poem, and is almost certainly derived from the same "old song". It is a fair supposition to attribute the rest of the poem to Burns himself.
There is some doubt as to whether the melody used today is the same one Burns originally intended, but it is widely used in Scotland and in the rest of the world.
Singing the song on Hogmanay or New Year's Eve very quickly became a Scots custom that soon spread to other parts of the British Isles. As Scots (and other Britons) emigrated around the world, they took the song with them.
Canadian band leader Guy Lombardo is often credited with popularising the use of the song at New Year’s celebrations in America, through his annual broadcasts on radio and television, beginning in 1929. The song became his trademark. In addition to his live broadcasts, Lombardo recorded the song more than once. His first recording was in 1939. A later recording on 29 September 1947 was issued as a single by Decca Records as catalogue #24260.
However, earlier newspaper articles describe reveler on both sides of the Atlantic singing the song to usher in the New Year:
§  "Holiday Parties at Lenox" (Massachusetts, USA) (1896) – The company joined hands in the great music room at midnight and sang “Auld Lang Syne” as the last stroke of 12 sounded and the new year came in.
§  "New Year's Eve in London" (London, England) (1910) – Usual Customs Observed by People of All Classes… The passing of the old year was celebrated in London much as usual. The Scottish residents gathered outside of St. Paul's Church and sang “Auld Lang Syne” as the last stroke of 12 sounded from the great bell.
A manuscript of "Auld Lang Syne" is held in the permanent collection of The Lilly Library at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.

Used when...
Auld Lang Syne is very widely used to symbolise other "endings/new beginnings" – including farewells, funerals, graduations, the end of a (non-New Year) party or a Boy Scout gathering, the election of a new government, and even the closing of a retail store. 


for more information regarding the song 'Auld Lang Syne', just Google it...

Baju Geng Blogger Crew dah sampai!!!

Akhirnya hari-hari yang dinantikan sudah tiba... 
Baju Geng Blogger Crew aku akhirnya dah tiba!!! 

Pandangan hadapan t-shirt... 

Logo Geng Blogger Crew!!!

Gecko Art and Design

Bahagian belakang t-shirt!!! 
I came, I saw, I blogged!!!

Hasil kerja The Gecko Art and Design!!! Nice and good job you guys!!!

Top 10 Unhealthy Fast Food...

1. Pizza Hut Triple Meat Italiano
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 1280 (49%)
• Saturated Fat: 23g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 123 (38%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 3,070mg (133%)
Pizza -- plain with cheese and sauce -- is not particularly unhealthy. This gastronomical overkill featuring "all-natural pepperoni, all-natural Italian sausage and baked ham" is terrible. Pizza Hut offers plenty of healthier choices.
2. Subway 12" Italian B.M.T
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 900 (35%)
• Saturated Fat: 16g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 94 (27%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 3,000 mg (130%)
It's easy to see why Subway does not list this sandwich under its "low fat footlongs" on its website. It has a whopping 3,000 mg of salt, 130% of the recommended allotment in a daily diet. "The problem with Subway is the portion size," Munsell says, adding that the problem with this sandwich is the salty luncheon meats. Subway is getting the message about salt. As an April USA Today article noted, "Beginning today, sodium content in Subway's 'Fresh Fit' sandwich line in the U.S. will be cut 28% vs. 2009, when Subway first began to cut salt. And sodium in its overall sandwich line will be cut by 15%, compared with the same period."
3. KFC Chicken Pot Pie
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 790 (30%)
• Saturated Fat: 37g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 66 (20%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 1,970mg (86%)
Salty and high in calories, there is little positive that can be said about the KFC Chicken Pot Pie. A Yum! Brands spokesman had this to say: "It's all about providing our consumers with choices, and each of our brands has introduced products that are lower in calories and fat, such as KFC's Kentucky Grilled Chicken, Pizza Hut's Thin 'N Crispy Pizzas and salads and Taco Bell's Drive Thru Diet Menu with seven items less than 9 grams of fat."
In other words, diners have a choice whether they eat something with almost a full day's allotment of sodium in one sitting.
4. Sonic SuperSONIC Bacon Double Cheeseburger with Mayo
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 1,370 (53%)
• Saturated Fat: 36g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 55 (17%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 1,610mg (70%)
The name alone should make a diner want to grab a fistful of Lipitor. Those brave enough to chow down on this 1,370-calorie monstrosity probably shouldn't eat much for the rest of the day. Once a regional operator in the South and Midwest, Sonic (Nasdaq: SONC -News) now operates in over 3,500 locations.
5. McDonald's Angus Chipotle BBQ Bacon
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 800 (31%)
• Saturated Fat: 18g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 66 (18%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 2,020mg (88%)
The Angus Chipotle is big and has bacon, two red flags for any dieter. "It's problematic," says Munsell, adding that the Golden Arches have borne the brunt of negative publicity about fast food. That's unfair. "We did find that McDonald's did have more healthy options" than other chains, she adds. Indeed, it ended its Super Size promotion a few years ago, no doubt spurred by the publicity surrounding the movie "Super Size Me."
6. Taco Bell XXL Grilled Stuft Beef Burrito
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 880 (34%)
• Saturated Fat: 3g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 94 (26%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 2,130mg (93%)
Taco Bell has mastered the art of blending meats and cheese in ever-creative caloric combinations. The XXL Grilled Stuft Beef Burrito is a monument to gluttony. Taco Bell calls it its "biggest burrito yet." It has "a blend of three cheeses -- cheddar, pepper jack and mozzarella -- flavorful seasoned rice, hearty beans, reduced-fat sour cream, chunky guacamole, avocado ranch and fiesta salsa, wrapped up in a warm flour tortilla." Taco Bell's sales have been hurt by the publicity surrounding the quality of its beef.
7. Wendy's Triple
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 1,030 (40%)
• Saturated Fat: 28g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 43 (18%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 1,800mg (78%)
Anyone eating this monstrosity might not realize that the USDA recommends that people eat a portion of meat roughly the size of deck of cards. This Wendy's monster burger clocks in at a whopping 423 grams. Wendy's (NYSE: WEN - News) has struggled for years against larger rivals. It unloaded its underperforming Arby's chain earlier this week to private-equity group Roark Capital Group. Wendy's did not respond to a request for comment.
8. Subway Footlong Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 750 (28%)
• Saturated Fat: 2.5g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 117 (41%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 1,810 mg (79%)
Subway unhealthy? In some cases, the answer is "yes." While this sandwich is low in calories and fat, it is high in salt. The portions of Subway's footlong sandwiches are too large, Munsell notes. Subway did not respond to a request for comment.
9. Burger King Triple Whopper with Cheese
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 1,180 (44%)
• Saturated Fat: 30g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 52 (16%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 1,330mg (58%)
The Triple Whopper makes the Quarter Pounder with Cheese seem like health food. At 1,180 calories, it packs more than twice the punch of the McDonald's burger, which has 535 calories. In a statement to 24/7 Wall St., the company referred to the Triple Whopper as an "indulgent option for our guests." Burger King says it encourages customers to eat healthy choices that provide 650 calories or less -- approximately one-third of a 2,000-calorie diet.
10. Wendy's Baconator Double
• Calories (pct. daily diet): 930 (36%)
• Saturated Fat: 25g
• Carbohydrate (pct. daily diet): 41 (13%)
• Sodium (pct. daily diet): 1,840mg (80%)
Who says you can never have too much bacon? Anyone with sense, that's who. Rudd's Munsell noted with amusement how fast food chains "combine every type of meat on one sandwich." The Baconator was relentlessly hyped for a while. A Wendy's spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous : Operation Malaysia!!!

We are Anonymous.
We do not forget. 
We do not forgive. 
We are legion. 
Expect us. 

-by Anonymous-

Anonymous merupakan kumpulan hackers antarabangsa yang bertempat di serata dunia. Mereka telah berjaya meng'hack' laman-laman web berprofile tinggi seperti Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa dan Sony PlayStation Network, serta rangkaian syarikat penerbangan Lockheed Martin Corp dan Citibank di Amerika Utara.

Mereka dijangka akan mula menyerang beberapa laman web kementerian pada jam 03 00 waktu Malaysia sebagai tanda tidak bersetuju berikutan keputusan kerajaan Malaysia untuk menyekat beberapa laman web seperti The Pirate Bay, MegaUpload, Duckfile dan lain-lain lagi. 

Video by Anonymous :-

Mesej Dalam Video Tersebut (English) :

Greetings, Malaysia, We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world's strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.

Piala FA milik Terengganu!!!

Akhirnya piala FA menjadi milik Terengganu buat kali kedua selepas menjuarai piala FA sebentar tadi menewaskan Kelantan 1-2...    
Tahniah buat pasukan Terengganu!!! 

Malaysia orders block of The Pirate Bay, MegaUpload, FileServe, and more...

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Majalah PC #174 (Jun 2011)

Majalah PC merupakan sebuah majalah berbahasa Melayu yang diterbitkan di Malaysia. Ia diterbitkan secara bulanan. Ia merupakan majalah khusus dalam bidang komputer dan diterbitkan secara bulanan. "Sumber komputer, internet dan multimedia" merupakan motto bagi majalah ini.

Majalah ini berharga RM4.80 di Semenanjung Malaysia dan RM5.80 di Sabah/Sarawak. Ia diterbitkan oleh Kumpulan Karangkraf Sdn Bhd.

Ia merupakan majalah berbahasa Melayu tentang komputer paling laris jualannya di Malaysia.

Released by: LeeSha

Date: Jun 2011

File type: PDF, 17.0MB

Pages: 78

upload/scanned by LeeSha and tracked by JIWANG Torrent : Malaysia Movie + Subtitle + TV-Show Torrent Source
A Jiwang MediaTeam Release

download link :