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Geng O.C!

It looks like AMD will have the symbolic achievement of launching its first GPUs built on the new 28 nanometer process in 2011 itself. Sources told that AMD is working towards launching some of its planned 28 nm GPUs in the second week of December, 2011. One of these sources specifically named December 06. Details on whether the launched GPU will be for the mobile (notebook) or desktop (graphics card) platforms; or even whether it will use the VLIW4 or so-called 'NextGen' compute architecture, are not known at this point.
Another source reinforced the theory that the launch will be more about symbolism than volume manufacturing for sales. It's likely that a small number of these GPUs will be manufactured, just about enough to send to OEMs for their qualification, and perhaps even the media for published performance testing. We expect these GPUs to be lower-end or mid-range GPUs, and since AMD is reserving the NextGen compute architecture for only the high-end GPU part, these ones will most likely use VLIW4.

Interesting! the smallest gpu yet! 28nm! nvidia still using the 32nm gpu. Lets wait for nVidia's 28nm after this!

Dah setahun berlalu...

Pejam-celik, pejam celik, dah setahun berlalu. Rasa macam baru beberapa bulan aku kehilangan kawan karib yang aku kenali sejak kecil. Memang pantas masa bergerak, sehingga tak terasa seperti ianya telah berlaku setahun yang lalu. Tanggal 12-10-2010, aku telah kehilangan seorang kawan yang begitu rapat buat selama-lamanya. Arwah Muhammad Safwan bin Mat Alim, salah seorang anggota polis balai polis Puchong Jaya, telah terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya berhampiran tempat arwah bekerja sewaktu dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah. Arwah disahkan meninggal dunia sewaktu dalam perjalanan ke hospital. Pemergiannya amat mengejutkan. Mana tak nya, kami berkawan sejak dari tadika sehingga ke sekolah menengah dan dipisahkan apabila arwah menyertai pasukan kegemarannya sejak sekolah lagi iaitu pasukan Polis Diraja Malaysia. Walaupun arwah jauh dikota raya Kuala Lumpur, namun persahabatan kami tidak terputus disitu. Kami sering berhubung melalui talifon, sms dan facebook untuk bertanya kabar berita. Biarpun arwah tiada di depan mata, tetapi arwah tetap hidup dihati kami. Semoga roh arwah Safwan dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang beriman. 

Muhammad Safwan Bin Mat Alim
05.05.1990 - 12.10.2010